====== UHB-IF Terms and Conditions ====== The Scottish Consulate have been asked to be part of the executive arm of the [[https://badge.emfcamp.org/wiki/UHB-IF|Unnecessary Hexpansion Bureaucracy Implementers Forum (UHB-IF)]]. It exists to implement unnecessary hexpansion bureaucracy for obtaining a Vendor ID. If you made it here, congratulations! Next is to read and agree to the Terms and Conditions, Code of Conduct as well as the Privacy Policy below. ===== Terms and Conditions ===== These Terms and Conditions are an "Agreement" entered into by and between the Vendor ID seeking individual and UHB-IF and becomes effective on the date stamped by the Scottish Consulate. The individual agrees to abide by any and all policies or procedures governing members that may be set by UHB-IF and any applicable provisions of the bylaws of UHB-IF pertaining to members. Any such policies and procedures and the bylaws may be viewed on the corresponding wiki pages, the Scottish Consulate privacy policy is below. This agreement continues in perpetuity, unless terminated by either party under the provisions of this agreement, under any applicable UHB-IF policies or procedures, or under any applicable provisions of the bylaws of UHB-IF pertaining to members. Subject to this Agreement, the individual first becomes a member of UHB-IF on the date on which the UHB-IF administrator first sends notice of enrollment to individuals and remains a member of UHB-IF so long as it remains current in its membership dues, as set and [[https://scottishconsulate.org/_media/emf2024/req9.pdf|published]] by UHB-IF, provided that UHB-IF may terminate the individual's membership for failure to comply with this Agreement or any policies or procedures governing members that may be set by UHB-IF. Should membership lapse for failure to pay membership dues timely, the individual may become a member again by becoming current in its membership dues. In the event of any termination of this Agreement by UHB-IF for individual's breach of this agreement or of any applicable policies, procedures, or by-laws, the individual agrees that it will not be entitled to and will not receive any refunds of membership dues already paid. Vendor ID (VID) Number: Individuals hereby applies for a Vendor ID Number and agrees to the following: the Unnecessary Hexpansion Bureaucracy Implementers Forum (UHB-IF) is the authority which assigns and maintains all Vendor ID Numbers. Each Vendor ID Number is assigned to one individual for its sole and exclusive use, along with associated Product ID Numbers. They may not be sold, transferred, or used by others, directly or indirectly, except in special circumstances and then only upon prior written approval by UHB-IF. Unauthorized use of assigned or unassigned Vendor ID Numbers and associated Product ID Numbers are strictly prohibited and you will be punished in your afterlife by haunted unicorns. Membership: The individual grants permission to be named and listed as a member of the Forum in directories and on wiki pages. Licenses: No license is granted by virtue of membership in UHB-IF to any patent, copyright, or trademark. Benefits: Participation in events and technical support is subject to availability. Warrantees: ANY GOODS OR SERVICES FURNISHED OR MADE AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS ARE PROVIDED “AS-IS WITH ALL DEFECTS” AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE FORUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT OR MERCHANTABILITY. Neither UHB-IF, any member of UHB-IF, nor any other supplier of software, hardware, or services will be liable to Company for any fault or defect in these items or for any failure to deliver all or any portion of these items. Liability Limited: IN NO EVENT SHALL MEMBERS OR UHB-IF OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR LOST PROFIT DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF LOSS OF USE OR LOSS OF DATA ARISING OUT OF PARTICIPATION IN FORUM EVENTS, OR THIS AGREEMENT. ==== The UHB-IF Code of Conduct ==== The following UHB-IF Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is designed to allow the UHB-IF to comply with the law and to preserve its integrity and credibility with the public, the industry, and within the Forum. This Code applies to all staff, volunteers, directors, members, and any third-party service providers or contractors working with the UHB-IF. Parties to whom the Code applies shall: - Comply with the terms and conditions agreement, policies, procedures, and by-laws of the UHB-IF, as applicable; - Adhere to applicable laws and regulations; - Maintain the confidentiality of information the UHB-IF deems confidential; - Act with fairness, honesty, and integrity; - Not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, creed, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, disability, age, or sexual orientation; - Comply with all applicable antitrust laws and the UHB-IF’s antitrust guidelines; - Behave in a professional and business-like manner and not engage in any behavior that is discomforting to other individuals, that will constitute sexual harassment, or that may be misunderstood as sexual harassment; and - Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any relationship or activity that is or could become a conflict of interest. All persons subject to the Code owe a duty of loyalty to the UHB-IF. Failure to comply with the Code may result in corrective action, including, without limitation, preclusion from attending certain events or functions or termination of membership or affiliation with the UHB-IF. ===== Scottish Consulate UHB-IF Privacy Notice ===== This [[Scottish Consulate UHB-IF privacy notice]] tells you what to expect us to do with your personal information.